cafe aola paciran

cafe aola paciran

pantai makes it an Instagrammable destination for coffee and food lovers. Not only does it offer delicious meals and drinks, but it also has a cozy and relaxing atmosphere, making it a perfect place to unwind and chill. With its working space area and children's playground, Cafe Aola Paciran is suitable for various purposes, whether for work or leisure activities. Additionally, it is easily accessible by private or public transportation. Cafe Aola Paciran is one of the popular culinary destinations in Lamongan, serving unique and tasty food menus. Its opening hours are 24/7 every day, but during PPKM, it opens from 07.00-21.00 WIB. If you are looking for a new coffee and food spot in Paciran, Cafe Aola is definitely worth a visit. Cafe Aola Paciran, Kafe Pantai yang Instagrammable (1)